Identification of diaper rash as yeast infection
Diaper rash is a special case of skin infection . It is very common and very frustrating for the caregiver because, though treatable, it often returns. Diaper rash is usually not a serious problem. This type of rash develops in both babies in diapers and adults who wear diapers(incontinence products). When babies are born they are sterile. There are no bacteria and yeast in or on their bodies. Whether born by vaginal delivery or by C-section, over time newborns will acquire yeast infection , both on the skin and in the gut. Once they have acquired yeast infection on and in their bodies, they may develop a diaper rash. The genital area wrapped in a diaper is warm, moist and often exposed to irritating fluids. In the wet diaper, bacteria can break down the urine and feces releasing ammonia and other irritants. These irritants cause skin breakdown and the release of serum creating the conditions for Candida albicans, yeast infection . T...