Can I Cure my Vaginal Yeast Infection? It is thought that many factors in and of themselves may cause vaginal yeast infections. Some of these would be: Moisture and irritation of the vagina , some antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids. The acidic balance of the vagina may be altered by a woman’s period (menstruation), pregnancy, and diabetes After we consulted with our medical doctor, and read almost everything on the internet we went with a twelve hour cure program, rather than a treatment alone. By electing to go this route, and a fair amount of research, and talking between us, we elected, or I should say, my wife elected and felt far more comfortable with a natural cure , for her recurring vaginal yeast infections. It is her contention that the body, her body, would respond better and faster to a natural element, than a made one. Well, I know this is a very short article on curing vaginal yeast infection . Thanks for your time and stopping by to view...