
Showing posts from February 28, 2010

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection?

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection? The intended purpose of this very short article is to enlighten you about some of the possible ideas, relating to some of the ads and items being sold on the internet market today. Always, consult with your personal mentor or someone whom you trust to advise you. Ok, I am a farmer, and I talk in farmer talk. Doctor to me is a Dr., not my health care professional, and a mentor is my teacher. Smile. ALSO, the statements in this article are my thoughts and/or opinions, based on reading, and personal experience with yeast infection. These are my personal thought and ideas. Yeast is a fungus scientifically known as Candida. The common type of fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infection is Candida Albicans. Yeast is present on normal human skin and in places of moisture such as mouth and vagina. Nearly 20-25% women carry yeast infection in the vaginal area.

Yeast Infectons Diagnostic Symptoms:

Yeast Infectons Diagnostic Symptoms: Check for other symptoms related to vaginal yeast infection with the emergency department of a hospital. Medical attention is important, if the following conditions develop: 1. If vaginal discharge associated with fever, vomiting and stomach pain or vaginal discharge accompanied with vaginal bleeding that is not a normal menstrual period. 2. Initial symptoms become worse or symptoms persist for longer time 3. Large amount of green color discharge with fever 4. Skin and eyes turn yellow in color 5. Rashes develop in the delicate areas of the body. 6. Dizziness For the most complete listing of natural cures and treatments on the web go to?

Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infection:

Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infection: The statements in this article are my own thoughts and/or opinions. They are based on my reading, but primarily on our own family experiences and my personal experience with yeast infection Vaginal yeast infection occurs due to the presence of yeast in the vagina. The quantity of yeast increases rapidly in the vaginal area in comparison to the normal bacteria. For example, if the normal bacteria for protection are absent in the vagina with the introduction of antibiotics in the body, the production of yeast increases in the vagina. It also enters the tissues and causes irritation to the lining of vagina. Vaginal yeast infection also occurs, in case of any injury to the inner part of the vagina. Women with concealed immune system have a higher chance of developing this infection in comparison to women with normal immune system. Other Causative Factors for Vaginal Yeast Infection: Other factors that contribute to developing vaginal yeast infection are w...

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