Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection:

Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection: Researchers have found that over 75% of women suffer from vaginal yeast infections. The treatment of this disorder may take a couple of days. Some women suffer from this condition for years. Women who suffer from vaginal yeast infection for years fall in the category of those women, who have not taken any kind of medical aid nor have they tried any home remedy to eliminate the fungus. Symptoms of vaginal infections are non-specific. Apart from yeast infection, other factors too cause identical symptoms resembling this infection. The most common symptom of yeast infection is itching sensations in the vagina or the vaginal area. Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include: 1. An unusual, thick, odorless, and whitish vaginal discharge 2. Unexplained pain during sexual intercourse or urination 3. Unexplained swelling of the vulva 4. Burning sensation during urination Vaginal yeast infection may also cause pain other than these symptoms. The pain t...