Do you or anyone in your family Suffer from Yeast Infection?

Hello and Welcome Recently our family had various forms of Yeast Infection. My wife and I had them at the almost exact same time frame. Women get it. Babies get it, aka diaper rash Yes Men, of which I am one, have yeast infection. MINE was under the left big toe. Well a close friend of ours told me about Sarah Sumner. So I thought to myself "SELF" What's the harm in trying it. So I did. We as a collective family are very glad. Well listed below is the link to Sarah's site and some personal notes from me. Us lay people call it Yeast Infection, The most common hi-tone name is barm contagion, and medical professional person address it monilia disease. I have seen my wife suffer with it, our children had it and even I had it. While we hear most about VAGINAL and other YEAST INFECTIONS. We do not hear a lot about YEAST INFECTION curative medications which really work. We do not hear about the CAUSES OF YEAST INFECTION. I cannot say that other prod...