Breast Yeast Infection

Yeast (fungus) lives in moist areas such as underarms, mouth and the area where diaper is used. It also occurs on wet nipples of the breast. A woman who has breast yeast infection experiences severe burning and itching sensation and the nipples may sometimes even turn red in color. Sometimes, blisters may form on the nipples.
Women with a Breast Yeast Infection
are subject to experience an unbearable and/or horrendous pain in the breast area, most likely while or soon after breast feeding the child. The usual over-the-counter medicines and even some commercial medicines are not effective for treatment of swollen nipples do not work. Oftentimes, a baby may have white patches at the angles of the mouth and tongue. Hence, the yeast infection the mom has is being transferred to the infant. Here are some of the signs of babies having yeast infection.
Tips To Prevent Breast Yeast Infection
1. Sunlight, direct sunlight appears to be the biggest enemy of this infection, and women with this infection may expose their breasts to sunlight for sometime everyday.
2. Dry the bra in crystal sunlight daily.
3. Air-dry the nipples after baby feeding.
4. Use cotton bras only.
5. Do not use plastic breast pads that cause irritation and stores leaking milk.
6. Wash the bra in boiling hot water.
7. Next, wash the parts of the breast pump in hot water regularly with bleach solution.
While we do not claim to have listed here the end all method of spotting and treating breast yeast infection. We do think this is a good starting point. For a definitive book on yeast infection and its various forms, please consult …Natural Cures for Yeast Infection
Walter L. Scheu writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on and off the internet, regarding curing yeast infection. He and his bride run a small family farm in
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