Constant Yeast Infection:

Constant Yeast Infection:
Antibiotics are the main cause of yeast infection. People recover from this infection very
easily with the help of these medicines. Diet and food containing excessive sugar is
another factor that contributes to yeast infection.
Some people follow proper diets, they take all the possible herbal and home remedies
for treating yeast infection, but still they suffer from constant yeast infection.
Causative Factors:
1. Diseases such as diabetes or lack of control over blood sugar level in the
vaginal area
2. Weak immune system
3. Imbalanced hormones
Individuals suffering from Diabetes are highly prone to this kind of infection. Yeast eats
glucose. It gets its food from carbohydrates present in the food or from the blood sugar.
High glucose levels increase the growth of yeast and double it every hour.
Weak immune system is another factor that contributes to this type of infection. If an
individual has a weak immune system, he/she is prone to this infection for a lifetime.
There are high chances of the infection reappearing. This is because yeast has the
capacity of hiding itself from the creams and medicines applied to the skin.
Hormones also play an important part in this type of infection. Weak hormones lead to
weak immune system and results in severity of this infection.
Other than drugs or medicines and bad diets, mercury also has an important role to
play in constant yeast infection.
Walter L. Scheu writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc.,
which may be seen on and off the internet, regarding curing yeast infection. He and his
bride run a small family farm in North Carolina.
This article is about a curing yeast infections and how they did it, naturally. Yeast
Infection is not fun! Hopefully you have found some information in this article that is
informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please click these links,
for more information.
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