
Showing posts from 2009

Natural Treatment of Yeast Infection during Pregnancy

Natural Treatment of Yeast Infection during Pregnancy Any treatment, whether natural or drug, during pregnancy requires careful consideration of the risk versus benefit to the mother and baby. Some drugs and natural treatments are capable of being absorbed and crossing the placenta to the baby. Thus, you should be concerned about negative effects on the baby. There are no published reports of the effects of natural remedies on the baby in the uterus. Vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy can be helped by making changes in eating patterns, as well as in the environment that is allowing the yeast to thrive. In the last three months of pregnancy, after the entire baby's organ systems have developed, there is less risk to the baby from drug or natural treatments. Using a treatment that is applied to the skin of the area, during the last three months of pregnancy, is low in risk to both the mother and the baby. Because of concerns for the b...

Cure Yourself of Yeast Infection

In this very brief synopsis I will attempt to cultivate interest in the ability of one to cure yourself/themselves of yeast infection. We will cover the options a person has, with a brief statement or two (2) about that point. This is not meant as a medical opinion, as I am not a health care professional. What is, is a few items regarding yeast infection I found to be truisms. Discovering how to treat an infection isn't always as easy as you might think. There are so many different products and prescriptions available that don't work, that it can be difficult to find yeast infection treatment that does work. Candida is a fungus that normally lives in the human body in small quantities. But an overabundance of Candida fungus causes the condition commonly referred to as "yeast infection". It may affect any part of the body and may infect both men and women but it is most common in women. Vaginal infections affects 75% of women, who are constant...

A little Off topic post

A very good friend and also a business associate has a very good set of One Time Offer Templates. I know you can use the for getting more sales Please let Maska know I sent you. Walter

Weight Loss Products and Yeast Infection

Overweight people suffer less from obesity related problems and more from the side effects of weight loss products that they use. If you don't exercise caution when buying a weight loss product, it can be harmful for your health. Doing your due diligence and arming yourself with the correct knowledge is very much essential, especially when it comes to weight loss. Before buying any weight loss product, make sure that you have researched it thoroughly. During your search, you should try to get as much information as possible about the product, its good and bad effects, the ingredients that it is made up of, etc., as these things can seriously affect your health, either positively or negatively! In this article I will tell you how to know a good weight loss product from the bad ones. You shouldn't accept everything at face value. The internet is littered with both good and bad information, and more often than not, the bad information overshadows the good one. There is a lot of m...

Male yeast infection: young boys

Male yeast infection can also occur in young boys. In the incident that feces touches the penis, the bacteria in the feces can cause an infection. Diaper dermatitis can also cause a penile infection. Damp clothing is another reason of such penile mold infection, because the dampness provides an excellent atmosphere for the bacteria to grow and multiply. Children also face a chronic oral fissure mildew infestation, in which there are white patches around the mouth. This generally happens between ages six and nine. Male barm contagion can occur in men of all ages. However, men who are sexually active or engage in certain sexual practice* are more inclined to instances. Such infections can also be transmitted sexually during unprotected sexual intercourse. However, if your female sexual partner is infected with a yeast infection, then it is always suggested to get your self checked for male barm c...

Yeast Infection: Sign of Yeast Infection

A likely sign that an illness is caused by fungal infection is the unique smell of the yeast. Despite the fact that it is cheese-like in appearance, it shares the same unmistakably stench of beer and bread. The signs and symptoms of yeast infection have pivotal roles in deciding the type of treatment that should be employed so that the disease is controlled and limiting of the likelihood of another attack occurring. If you are in the know it's doubted that you would adhere to the same nasty habits that cause that uncomfortable itching to develop. The best way to tackle the nasty infection is to be aware of the signs and symptoms. Eat a healthy balanced diet and treat in a herbal manner. Walter Scheu writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina . This article is ...

Curing Yeast Infection

Walter L. Scheu writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on and off the internet, regarding curing yeast infection . He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina . This article is about a curing yeast infections and how they did it, naturally. Yeast Infection is not fun! Hopefully you have found some information in this article that is informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please click these links, for more information.

Sale $ale

This will not last very long, before I will need to end the $ale Please get Yours

The Secrets Of Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally

The Secrets Of Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally This is the guide I was looking for but couldn't find. It's called Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally. And here's just some of what's inside... · The short & simple story on yeast - the hows and whys of yeast infections, where they come from and why we get them. (page 12) · The many triggers of yeast infections - so many factors go into starting yeast infections...including pregnancy, antibiotics, steroids, diet, stress, clothing, menopause, sex, and many other less common sources. Identifying the source can go a long way toward helping cure your yeast infections. (page 16-24) · Is it a yeast infection? How to know for sure if you actually have a yeast infection...or if you have something else. (pages 25-26) · IMPORTANT: Systemic Yeast Infections - what systemic yeast infections are, how to know if this is your problem, and how to deal with recurring yeast attacks...

Yeast Infection Rashes on Skin:

Yeast Infection Rashes on Skin: Candidiasis is the common type of yeast infection. The infection occurs due to a fungus known as Candida Albicans. This fungus thrives on the body and causes various kinds of rashes. Some of the rashes caused due to this fungus are: 1. Angular Cheilitis: In this type of yeast infection, the skin around the angles of the mouth becomes soft and has a formation of deep crease. 2.Thrush: White patches appear within the mouth in this type of yeast infection. It commonly occurs in the mouth of people having diabetes or HIV Aids. 3.Intertrigo: In this type of yeast infection, there is irritation caused on the skin folds. It occurs mainly in the moist areas of the body such as underarms, abdomen skin and groin. 4.Diaper rash: This type of rash occurs in the diaper area of the child. It occurs due to any kind of injury to the skin due of moisture. 5.Bodily rashes: They occur due to excessive sweating, use of antibiotics and no movement of the body that results...