The Secrets Of Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally

The Secrets Of Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally
This is the guide I was looking for but couldn't find. It's called Curing Your Yeast Infection Naturally. And here's just some of what's inside...
· The short & simple story on yeast- the hows and whys of yeast infections, where they come from and why we get them. (page 12)
· The many triggers of yeast infections - so many factors go into starting yeast infections...including pregnancy, antibiotics, steroids, diet, stress, clothing, menopause, sex, and many other less common sources. Identifying the source can go a long way toward helping cure your yeast infections. (page 16-24)
· Is it a yeast infection? How to know for sure if you actually have a yeast infection...or if you have something else. (pages 25-26)
· IMPORTANT: Systemic Yeast Infections - what systemic yeast infections are, how to know if this is your problem, and how to deal with recurring yeast attacks. (page 30)
· Male yeast infections...their causes, systems, and cures. Yes, men get them too...and here's what to do. (page 31-32)
· Yeast infections and HIV. The straight facts you need on yeast infections and AIDS/HIV (page 33)
· General yeast infection cures. We cover all the cures...prescriptions, over the counter cures, acidophilus, supplements and more . (page 38-44)
· Natural remedies galore! The best of the best...dietary tricks (like the yogurt tampon!), garlic cures, cranberry preparations, oil of oregano, cinnamon, teas and more . (page 45-58)
· Tea Tree Oil Secrets. Many people swear by these techniques of using tea tree oil -- and we cover all the details. (page 59-60)
· Douche Therapies. I'll give you a variety of douche preparations that work wonders for many yeast infection sufferers...and you get all the recipes. (page 63-67)
· Homeopathic remedies. The information you need on homeopathic remedies. (page 70)
· Mistakes to avoid. Here's the list of things you should avoid to prevent yeast infections... including foods to avoid, douches that spell trouble, bath preparations, clothing and feminine hygiene products that can cause you misery. (page 67-69)
· Checklists that get you going. The quick & simple checklists that will have you taking better photos from day 1! (page 73-77)
This just scratches the surface of what's in the book.
You get everything you need to really get relief from your infections.
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