Yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal

Candidiasis, commonly called yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal infection of any of the Candida species, of which Candida albicans is the most common. Manifestation

In immunocompetent people, candidiasis can usually only be found in exposed and moist parts of the body such as:

* the oral cavity (oral thrush)
* the vagina and/or vulva (vaginal candidiasis or thrush)
* folds of skin in the diaper area (diaper rash)
* the nipples while breastfeeding

Candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginal irritation, or vaginitis, and it will/can also occur on the male genitals, particularly in uncircumcised men. In immunocompromised patients, the Candida infection can involve the esophagus and can become systemic, causing a much more serious condition: fungemia.

Children, mostly between the ages of 3 and 9 years, can be affected by chronic mouth yeast infections, normally seen around the mouth as white patches. However, this is not a common condition.

Yeast organisms are always present in all people, but are usually prevented from "overgrowth" (uncontrolled multiplication resulting in symptoms) by naturally occurring microorganisms.

At least three quarters of all women will experience candidiasis at some point in their lives. The Candida albicans organism is found in the vaginas of almost all women and normally causes no problems. However, when it gets out of balance with the other "normal flora," such as lactobacilli (which can also be harmed by using douches), an overgrowth of yeast can result in noticeable symptoms. Pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, engaging in vaginal sex after anal sex in an unhygienic manner, and using lubricants containing glycerine have been found to be causally related to yeast infections. Diabetes mellitus and the use of antibiotics are also linked to an increased incidence of yeast infections. Candidiasis can be sexually transmitted between partners. Diet has been found to be the cause in some animals. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Infertility Treatment may be factors.

original author unknown


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